We are still there for you - with service and security!

As COVID-19 continues to be a global threat, we want to reassure our customers and partners that we at MIG will remain fully operational during these difficult times, despite some adjustments we have made to improve the health and safety of our employees and our community guarantee.


Some of the measures we have taken to protect our employees include: improved cleaning protocols in offices and factories, social distancing for on-site employees, working from home whenever possible. Work-related travel and event attendance have been suspended or postponed.


While maintaining an emphasis on the health and safety of everyone we work with, we continue to deliver the same high quality products and services to our customers. We can be reached during our normal working hours and via the usual channels. Please contact us at any time if we can be of any assistance. We will do our best to help you as much as possible.


We will continue to monitor the situation closely and will keep you informed of additional measures. As conditions change, we will adjust our response accordingly.

Let's all stay safe and strong!

Your MIG team